Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Back from the dead...

So...I took a HUGE break (almost a year), but I'm back to making jewelry again, as of last October.  There was a bad break-up, a new job, a new apartment, a new car and eventually, a new boyfriend.  He has been so supportive, it's surreal!  He's amazing!  He's actually given me ideas and helped me sell pieces.  I guess it's because he's creative, too.  He makes stickers and engraves things and used to be a tattoo artist.

Anyway, I'm back at it!  I've been selling my stuff on Etsy again and through Facebook.  My Instagram is up to date, too!  I've also been selling to friends.  It's been great!  I'll be posted out at a benefit coming up in June ready to sell all my new stuff I've been creating.

I've gotten into koozies and bags using heat transfer vinyl.  Oh yeah...the new boyfriend came with a Cricut machine.  That thing is awesome!  My life hasn't been the same since!

I know this isn't my full time job, but it does make me happy!  And it's finally nice to be surrounded by supportive people.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Saturday Stretch Bracelets

I've been making stretch bracelets most of this Saturday.  It's not hard, but time consuming.  I'm going to be listing some specials on bundles of them on Etsy next week.

I did make my sister a special one with her name on it!  LOL!  She likes it!

Fiery Diva Creations Etsy Store

Friday, August 2, 2019

My #1 Supporter

I've been working on some really cool things today.  I can't wait to show them off during my Tuesday Sneak Peek on Facebook and Instagram.  Let's just say, it involves butterflies and blue beads.  LOL!

I send pictures of everything to my sister to "quality check".  She's been a big help during all this and my #1 supporter.  I doubt I would have even started my Etsy store if it weren't for her.  I was making simple earrings and bracelets just for fun until she jostled me to start this as a business instead of a hobby.

We started  making jewelry together 20 years ago, so I value her opinion greatly.  And you should never underestimate the feeling someone gets when another person says they're proud of them.  That's what she's said to me and she truly means it.  I want to be successful, but if I can make my sister proud of me, then that's what's most important.

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!  I'm chugging along, as usual.  I'll be posting the necklace/bracelet/earrings set and two necklaces up on Etsy today.  I did a Sneak Peek of them on my Facebook page and Instagram yesterday.

Other than that, I'll be making more jewelry!  I really enjoy making earrings the most.  I don't know what it is, since they can sometimes be the toughest.  I think it boils down to you know you worked hard when your hands hurt.  LOL!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Handmade Earrings

Here's a few of the listings I have up on Etsy.  Please check out my store and find other interesting items.  Some I liked so much, I made an extra just for myself!

Fiery Diva Creations on Etsy

Fiery Diva Creations Opens for Business

I originally started making handmade jewelry 20 years ago. My sister and I would spend hours hanging out making stuff. Over the years, career, family, life, got in the way and I lost my creative zest. After getting laid off from a career I had for 11 years and bouncing from job to job after that trying to find something that caught my interest, I fell back on my love of making jewelry. I didn’t have the tools or any clue what I was going to do, but the passion was there...the passion to be creative! I purchased a few things and received some tools as a Christmas gift just to get started. Then my awesome sister managed to find a box of her old stuff in a closet and was gracious enough to give it to me. Some of that stuff took me way back in time. I doubt I can find any of those beads anymore.

After making some things and sending pictures to my sister, she kept nagging me to sell what I made. It took me over a week to come up with a name, but here I am! I have a stock of things already posted to my Esty store.

I have to say, I’m pretty proud of myself and haven’t been happier to finally get that creative bug back.

I hope you enjoy what I’ve designed. I also have a few more things up my sleeve that aren’t jewelry related, but more on that later.

Check out my page on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.  I offer sneak peeks on my Facebook and discounts if you purchase directly through me.

My Etsy store is up and running!

Thank you and Happy Shopping!

Back from the dead...

So...I took a HUGE break (almost a year), but I'm back to making jewelry again, as of last October.  There was a bad break-up, a new job...