Friday, August 2, 2019

My #1 Supporter

I've been working on some really cool things today.  I can't wait to show them off during my Tuesday Sneak Peek on Facebook and Instagram.  Let's just say, it involves butterflies and blue beads.  LOL!

I send pictures of everything to my sister to "quality check".  She's been a big help during all this and my #1 supporter.  I doubt I would have even started my Etsy store if it weren't for her.  I was making simple earrings and bracelets just for fun until she jostled me to start this as a business instead of a hobby.

We started  making jewelry together 20 years ago, so I value her opinion greatly.  And you should never underestimate the feeling someone gets when another person says they're proud of them.  That's what she's said to me and she truly means it.  I want to be successful, but if I can make my sister proud of me, then that's what's most important.

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Back from the dead...

So...I took a HUGE break (almost a year), but I'm back to making jewelry again, as of last October.  There was a bad break-up, a new job...